Erotic Stories using Erotic Abstract Photography
By Damali Conceptuals
Using a visual language of color, form, shape, and lines to create a composition which can be slightly detached from the visual references of the piece is the lifeblood of Abstract Art. Erotic Abstract Photography tells a story using the above mentioned elements of good photography but tells an erotic story other than what the viewer believes the visuals are showing you. Imagine somebody showing you their hand in poker while you are playing and you see the three of a kind. However behind those cards are the real cards and they are a full house. The artist shows you one thing, but typically means another. The artists are expressing themselves, for themselves, and not for the viewer at all. While on the surface that may sound extremely selfish and maybe even narcissistic, it's not. It's supposed to be the ultimate expression of artistry when art is created solely for the pleasure of the artist and not the viewer. You must admit, creating art for the pleasure of others does have a slight tinge of "commercialism" woven into the framework. This article features incredible Erotic Abstract Photography telling Erotic Stories. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think about this collection and article.
Photo by Joanna Wodzinska
Photo by Photorotic
This article was fun and interesting to write because I asked different colleagues what they thought was the story being told behind this image below. The vast range of impressions that one hears when asking about Erotic Abstract Photography , and what they saw when they reviewed this image was both comical and sometimes even dark and scary. Yet, I realized that nobody was even close to being wrong. It was all just a matter of perspective.
Dutch Photographer Carli Hermes is definitely one of my fave new contemporary abstract photographers. His utilization of contrasts and meticulously crafted compositions tell novels worth of stories per image. However, the most delicious part within his style of Erotic Abstract Photography is how each of his images somehow manage to tell a different set of novels, than the next image tells.
Photo by Carli Hermes
Photo by Carli Hermes
Photo by Carli Hermes
I understand that a vast majority of photographers, especially here in the United States are not particularly fond of "selective coloring" or "color splash" photography shots. As much as I hate being "that ass-hole" who goes against the general grain of US photographers; I am a huge fan of "selective coloring" and "color splash" photography. What makes this Erotic Abstract Photograph so unique is how this is technically not a "color splash" image. Photographer Maxim Mateev brilliantly painted the model a dark bronze or Coffee color and then added the bright yellow sporadically on top of the bronze. This gives the illusion of a color splash image but actually far from it.
This image by Pavel Vinogradov caused a huge debate here in the offices of Soft Screams Magazine. Several of our staff members and their assistants and even a few interns vehemently disagreed with me about adding this image to this collection. To be clear, we all loved the image very much. The debate was on whether or not this image is truly Erotic Abstract Photography or was this image an Erotic Surrealistic Photograph. This debate went on for over 90 minutes and they almost had me convinced except for one thing; the background. Within the composition of a Surrealism photograph, the entire image must be considered a part of the concept. The minimalism of this image's background precludes it from the composition of Surrealism and thus I published this incredible image within this collection.
This image by Strange Birds Photography simply blows me away. The textures, the contrasts. and the stories that form this artistic amalgamation of Surrealism and Noir makes me feel something. I am not sure what? However, it definitely makes me feel something which is why I had to end this article with this image. I wanted to leave on an artistic "BANG" and the darkness and starkness of this image delivers a resounding BOOM!
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